Accepting NOminations for 2025/26 pta positions
Marion Elementary PTA Nominating Committee is currently accepting nominations for the 2025-26 school year for the Executive Board and Standing Committee Chairs. Please fill out the form to join us and make a difference for all of our students and staff!! Please complete this form by April 4th.
spirit wear
Get your spirit wear today!! We have limited quantities. Click HERE to purchase.
Highlight your child's birthday by displaying their name on the Marion Marquee on Allen Heights for a whole week. The birthday announcement will run Monday - Sunday. Cost is $20.00. Limit to 2 names per week. Click HERE to order.
Marion PTA works with school administration and staff, community leaders, and other parents on behalf of our kids. We organize and fund the back to school bash and end of year party, paid for Ninja Nation for the Field Day activities, paid for Perot Museum to come this year, 5th grade sky scholarships, staff appreciation and so much more. Being involved in your child's school matters and it makes a difference! Click here to join.
The grade with the biggest enrollment will win a pajama day after winter break.
The class with the highest enrollment will win either a pizza party OR a popsicle party (class choice) after winter break. Membership numbers will be pulled on Dec 13th with winners announced on Facebook and email blast the following week!
Sign up HERE to be a Watch D.O.G. this semester. Watch D.O.G.S will work with students across all grade levels and help all around Marion. You will join your own child(ren) during specials, lunch and MAV Time. Only one Watch D.O.G. per day. Please choose All Day or Half Day option. You may only sign up once per semester.
Wednesday Morning Watch D.O.G.S.! Watch D.O.G.S opportunities for those with limited time, just 20 minutes on Wednesday mornings... 7:25-7:45 am. Open car doors. Greet students with a smile and a high five. Help our Mavericks start the day with a smile! Sign up HERE.
Be sure you have completed your AISD volunteer background check for this school year by clicking here:
The class shirt is worn on field trips, class performances, and other special events. If you purchased a school supply kit, a shirt already came with it. Click HERE to purchase. There may be a delay in getting your shirt, if we don't have one in stock.
If you shop at Kroger, you can link your Kroger Rewards card to Marion in just 4 easy steps. 1. Click on My Account 2. Click on Community Rewards, 3. Put Marion Elementary PTA or our school code VM561 in the Find the Organization, and then click on Enroll.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, April 18
- Thursday, April 24
- Tuesday, May 20
- Friday, May 23
Show full calendar
- Friday, April 18
- Thursday, April 24
- Tuesday, May 20
- Friday, May 23