Responsibilities of PTA Board Members and Committee Chairs

Elections are held in April.  As a member, you may attend and vote in this election. Also, at this time, if there are any other candidates who would like to be considered for a position, they may attend the meeting (they must be a PTA member) and nominate themselves. 


A few facts about becoming a board member/committee chair:  

  • Meetings: The Board meets 8 times during the year. Traditionally, these meetings have been 6:30 pm on the second Tuesday of the month. Membership meetings are held 5 times during the school year. 
  • There are roles to fit different interests, talents, and commitment levels: Whether you work full-time or stay home with a little one, are introverted or extroverted, are new to Marion or a veteran Maverick, there are opportunities for you. — Both dads and moms!
  • You will be part of a team: As a new team member, you will be given the support you need to understand and fulfill your position. 
  • It’s a great way to become involved: Working on PTA programs gives you a greater connection with Marion faculty and staff and is a wonderful opportunity for you (and your children) to meet neighbors and make new friends.
  • Most importantly, it’s a chance to make a difference at Marion! Building a new playground, raising money for technology, sponsoring community events, showing appreciation for our faculty, supporting education and health programs for our students — These are the impacts of Marion PTA!

The Executive Board is made up of Officers and Standing Committee Chairs. The Officers are elected positions. The Executive Board is made up of the Officers and Standing Committee Chairs and have a vote on all items requiring a vote by the Marion PTA Board. The Executive Board (Officers + Standing Committee Chairs) are required to attend regular board meetings, membership meetings and to oversee their respective chairs/committees and report on those activities to the board.





Serves as principal executive officer of the organization. Supervises and controls activities of the organization. Presides and participates in all executive and membership meetings.

1st VP - Council Rep

This position is the PTA representative to the Allen Council of PTAs and will work with and oversee the committee chairs for scholarships and student program grants.

2nd VP - Membership

This position will be responsible for overseeing the membership process for the Marion PTA as well as coordinating with and reporting to the Texas PTA.  This position oversee the nomination process for Lifetime Membership and volunteer awards.  This position will also oversee and work closely with the Directory Chair and the Kindergarten Hospitality Chair.

3rd VP - Programs

This position will oversee and work closely with the following committee chairs to deliver programs throughout the year:  Back-to-School Event, End-of-Year Event, Red Ribbon, Veterans Day Breakfast, and Destination Imagination.

4th VP - Ways and Means

This position will be responsible for overseeing the primary fundraising activities of the PTA.  This position will work closely with and oversees the following committee chairs:  Fundraising, School Supplies, Class Shirts, Spirit Wear, Book Fair, Silent Auction, Spirit Nights and Box Tops.


The Treasurer is responsible for keeping the financial books and records of the PTA, preparing the annual budget and monthly financial reports, writing checks and making deposits and preparation of required state sales tax and IRS tax filings. The treasure will make financial presentations at all Board and General Body meetings.


The Secretary keeps the minutes of the proceedings of the membership and executive committee and handles and required communication.


This position advises the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary procedure.


Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles Chair coordinates with school PE and Wellness teams to provide and promote resources and events related to health, nutrition and physical activity.  This Board Position works closely with and oversees the Allen Eagle Run and Walk-to-School committee chairs.


This positions works to develop and promote initiatives relating to environmental and social responsibilities at the school.  These could include an Environmental Club and participation in citywide School Environmental Initiatives. This position will also provide support to and coordinate with teachers and Allen ISD on environmental reduction programs within the school

Art & Historian

The Art Board chair is the designated Historian for the PTA and will prepare the annual scrapbook as well as work with and oversee the Reflections Committee Chair.

Volunteer Coordinator

The volunteer coordinator will oversee the volunteer activities of the PTA including working closely with the following committee chairs:  6th grade Graduation, Room Parent, Teacher Appreciation and Watch D.O.G.S.

Faculty Rep

This position is limited a faculty or staff member from the school and will represent the school as a voting member of the PTA.



Committee chairs are responsible for a specific scope of activity and/or events. The following are all current committees for the Marion PTA.  Committee chairs are appointed by the Board and work with a member of the Executive Board. Committee chairs are asked to attend Membership meetings. They are not required to attend meetings of the Executive Board. 


Works with 1st VP

The scholarship chair coordinates the annual senior scholarship including updating the application, notification to AHS, coordinating the selection committee, awarding the funds to receipts’ schools, and presenting the award at the school end of year event and the AHS senior awards banquet.


Works with 1st VP

This chair works within the PTA budget and guidelines of the grant process to provide funds for groups and events of Marion students and faculty.  This chair will oversee the grant application process, coordination of the selection committee and coordinate the awards to and reporting from grant recipients.


Works with 2nd  VP Membership

The Directory Chair works with the 2nd VP of Membership to provide a student directory through the use of the online directory tool.  This chair will be responsible for updates to the membership toolkit tool and working with parents and faculty / staff to update and utilize the tool.

Kindergarten Hospitality

Works with 2nd  VP Membership

This committee coordinates events for incoming kindergarten families to promote the school and the Marion PTA.  This chair will coordinate welcoming families at the Kindergarten Roundup as well as host a popsicle social in the summertime.

Destination Imagination

Works with 3rd VP Programs

This person will be the liaison for the Destination Imagination program. 

Veteran's Breakfast

Works with 3rd VP Programs

This committee works with the Marion faculty and staff to help coordinate volunteers and food for the annual Veteran’s Day Breakfast event.

Back-To-School Event

Works with 3rd VP Programs

This committee will plan, organize and deliver the annual Back-to-School event during September of each year.

End-of-Year Event 

Works with 3rd VP Programs

This committee will plan, organize and deliver the annual End of Year School event during May of each year.

Red Ribbon Week

Works with 3rd VP Programs

This committee chair coordinates an event with the Marion Counselor during Red Ribbon week each Fall.

Fall Fundraiser

Works with 4th VP Ways & Means

This committee will select and oversee the execution of any Fall and/or Spring fundraising event.  This committee would be responsible for selecting the event, coordinating the sale or activity and working with the school and staff on the execution of the event.

School Supplies

Works with 4th VP Ways & Means

This committee oversees the annual sale, purchasing and delivery of school supply kits for the school that are delivered just before the beginning of each school year.

Class Shirts

Works with 4th VP Ways & Means

This committee will work with the Marion faculty to design and deliver class shirts.  This committee will oversee the ordering, sale, and delivery of class t-shirts. 

Spirit Wear

Works with 4th VP Ways & Means

This committee will oversee the design, sale, and delivery of any school spirit items such as t-shirts, bags, etc.

Book Fair

Works with 4th VP Ways & Means

This committee plans and executes the annual Spring Book Fair.  This committee works with Scholastic Book Fairs and the Marion staff to select a time for the book fair, will coordinate volunteers for the event and manage the week long book fair event.  The committee will also host the annual Grand Breakfast in conjunction with the book fair.

Silent Auction/Spring Fundraiser

Works with 4th VP Ways & Means

This committee will oversee the annual Silent Auction fundraiser.  This includes obtaining donations for the event, preparing all bid sheet and related information for the event, and delivering winning items to the purchaser.

Spirit Nights

Works with 4th VP Ways & Means

This person is responsible for coordinating spirit nights and events at local restaurants and event venues through which a portion of the proceeds are donated to the Marion PTA.  This person also coordinates longer term spirit activities such as the grocery store reward card giving or the Amazon Smile program.

Box Tops

Works with 4th VP Ways & Means

This committee will oversee the PTA’s participation with the Box Tops for Education program.  Tasks of the committee include communicating box top collection days, promoting special events or other Box Top promotions, collecting and counting box top submissions and submitting and reporting on Box Tops.  Additional similar programs may be identified and managed by this committee as well.


Works with Art Standing Committee Chair

The Reflections chair will oversee the school’s participation in the local and state PTA reflections program.  This includes promoting the event to Marion students, selecting a team to review the submissions, forwarding school nominations to the local and state PTA and coordinating and small event to honor those that participated

Allen Eagle Run

Works with Healthy Lifestyles Standing Committee Chair

This person represents the Marion PTA at the annual Allen Eagle Run. This person would attend planning meetings with the Foundation for Allen Schools and promote registration activities within the Marion community.  The meetings with the Foundation have occurred on Tuesday's at 9:00 am, starting in November through February.  Usually about 8 meetings to attend.

Walk to School 

Works with Healthy Lifestyles Standing Committee Chair

This person will coordinate the annual walk-to-school event each fall.  This includes registering for national participation, coordinating meeting points and routes with the school administration, and leading the local groups participating in the walk.

6th Grade Graduation

Works with Volunteer Standing Committee Chair

This committee oversees the planning and execution of the annual 6th grade graduation in coordination with the Marion faculty and staff.

Room Parent Coordinator

Works with Volunteer Standing Committee Chair

This person will oversee the selection and participation of room parents for each class.  This person will help coordinate the room parents and communicate expectations and standard events across all grades. 

Watch D.O.G.S.

Works with Volunteer Standing Committee Chair

This committee oversees the Watch D.O.G.S. program at Marion including the sign-up of volunteers, the overall schedule for volunteers, and hosting of events to promote the program.  This committee works closely with school administration and the national Watch D.O.G.S program.

Teacher Appreciation

Works with Volunteer Standing Committee Chair

This committee will oversee the coordination of teacher appreciation week activities, regular staff lunches, and other events to show our appreciation for the faculty and staff at Marion.


Works with President

This person is responsible for preparation of the weekly newsletter and coordination with the Marion faculty and staff for items on the newsletter.