Birthday on the Marquee

Highlight your child's birthday by displaying their name on the Marion Marquee on Allen Heights for a whole week.  The birthday announcement will run Monday - Sunday.  Cost is $20.00.  Limit to 2 names per week. 

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Birthday on the Marquee$20.00January 6 - 12 sold out
January 13 - 19 
January 20 - 26 sold out
January 27 - February 2 sold out
February 3 - 9 sold out
February 10 - 16 
February 17 - 23 
February 24 - March 2 
March 3 - 9 
March 10 - 16 sold out
March 17 - 23 
March 24 - 30 sold out
March 31 - April 6 
April 7 - 13 
April 14 - 20 sold out
April 21 - 28 sold out
April 29 - May 4 
May 5 - 11 
May 12 - 18 sold out
May 19 - 25 
 I would like to make a donation to Marion PTA in the amount of:$